Calculates a chosen plan item as of the calculation date specified.

Formula Syntax

CALCULATE("DefName", CalculationDate, DOTInd, ValuePassed_1 (optional), ValuePassed_2 (optional), ...)

"DefName": the name of the definition. Note that this name must be contained in quotes.

CalculationDate: date upon which the amount is to be determined.

DOTInd: set this value to FALSE if the calculation may go beyond date of termination. Otherwise, set this value to TRUE if the amount is to not be calculated beyond the date of termination (if any) for the person.

ValuePassed_1, ValuePassed_2, ...: up to 10 optional parameters may be added when referencing a Formula Derived Item in this function. These values may then be referenced in the corresponding Formula Derived Item as VALUEPASSED_1, VALUEPASSED_2, etc.


CALCULATE("serviceCredited", NRD, FALSE): calculates service (serviceCredited) as of NRD

CALCULATE("benefitsRet", NRD, FALSE): calculates the accrued benefit at NRD for the benefit payment set benefitsRet

PensionSoft Corporation | 860.540.3690 |