The Basic User Information screen is used to provide basic information regarding a particular System User in DB Precision.
Page Items
  • User ID: this six-letter code is generally comprised of first initial of first name, first initial of middle name, and then first four letters of last name.
  • Password: this is required and may be subject to password requirements that are set at a system level.
  • Group Name: if a user is to be part of a group, you can choose the group from this dropdown box.
  • Default Folder: this is the default folder to be used by DB Precision for a user when no default folder exists for a sponsor.
  • Name Information: this area allows for the specification of a System User's full name along with designation and EA number if applicable.
  • Contact Information: this area allows you to indicate items such as job title along with contact information such as phone, fax, and email.
  • Bypass System Login Using Windows User Name: to bypass the DB Precision login, you can specify the Windows login name here. This will then associate a System User with a Windows user login. This should only be used if a particular Active Directory user can be associated with an individual DB Precision user.
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